Establishing institutionalized mechanisms for a structured and facilitated dialogue between local governments, SMEs, mining companies and civil society in Mongolia.
Mongolia, being a country with mineral wealth, but no institutionalized mechanisms for a structured and facilitated dialogue between different stakeholders, received support to implement strategies for problem solving as part of the The Integrated Mineral Resource Initiative (IMRI) from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
IFOK provided trainings and consultancy on public-private dialogue and stakeholder participation in three aimags (= provinces) in Mongolia from May to June 2015 to participants from four stakeholder groups: administration, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), NGOs and mining companies/ investors as well as for ministries in Ulaan Baatar and for students at the National University of Mongolia. As part of the capacity building, the stakeholders were trained in tools and mechanisms to set-up a four stakeholder partnership (4SP) as a strategy for problem solving. The hands-on approach gave them the opportunity to collect first ideas about key issues as well as structures and processes that fit their local needs and resources. In addition, representative from Ministries received a full-day introductory training on public private dialogue and citizen participation by identifying current issues and how those could be tackled. Not only civil servants, but also 18 students from the National University of Mongolia received an introductory training, discussing challenges and potential ways to overcome them, such as existing practises of town-hall meetings at township-level.
Besides giving on-side training, IFOK was asked to give recommendations on the further development of the „four stakeholder partnership“ approach in the three aimags as well as on the concept for the „Integrated Community Development Programme“. The trainings and consultancy was well received by all stakeholders alike; be it NGOs appreciating better coordination step to improve the effectiveness of civil society or SMEs, welcoming internal dialogue and accountability practises.
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)